NEW: Hand Mirror Patreon subscription, Harkin shares new single 'Dial It In'
For both of us, music and culture provided a kind of scaffolding for our emerging identities as young people, and continue to do so as we move forwards in our lives. Starting Hand Mirror was a statement of intent; if we can build the scaffolding to support ourselves, then we can offer that structure to others.
As live events and tours must come to a standstill while we all face the urgent global pandemic crisis, we have spent the last few weeks considering what continuing Hand Mirror at a distance could look like. Through Patreon, we hope to be able to continue to develop our own support system, and to connect to those interested in being part of what we're building, even as the parameters for performing, writing and creating new culture continue to shift. We hope to turn Hand Mirror into a space for self reflection which can support the work of others. We hope for Hand Mirror to be a home for the boundless, the collaborative and the open, from live shows to the written word, from performance to recorded music, and beyond.
By supporting us with a monthly subscription of your choice, you'll be working with us to help make that possible. In return, you'll have access to writing, music, performance and collaborations exclusive to patrons. If you support us at the Full Length level, you'll also get a subscription to our bi-annual print journal and will get both this, and a merch package delivered through your mailbox.
Thanks for reflecting with us. Kate and Katie
Stream Harkin’s ‘Dial It In’ on Spotify
Harkin is also sharing new single ‘Dial It In’, taken from her debut self-titled album, which is set for release April 24th via Hand Mirror.
Harkin says, "'Dial It In' is a song about about valuing intuition over entitlement. It's a track that I started writing in my best friend Ashley Connor’s New York apartment. I had planned to visit her but she got a job working on a film out of state, so instead I inhabited her life for a week. I’d aimed to wander NY in a romantic solo montage, but a particularly frigid storm hit and I was stuck inside for the duration of my visit. Which turned out to be the push I need to start writing this album.
I had played live with Jenn Wasner on tour, opening for her Flock of Dimes project. We got in the studio with Stella (Warpaint, Mozgawa). It was the first time they’d met and by the end of the day they were finishing each other’s jokes. The basic live track we ended up using was the first take. All pretty fitting given the inspiration of the song."